Alert to Area Businesses!


We just received a call from someone claiming to be working with the Parker Area Chamber of Commerce. We are not currently working with any companies to verify your business information. We do that ourselves. If we were to contract with a company, we would notify the area businesses and our members. We would also use a member first and if we don’t have a member that could fill the request for work, we would attempt to stay in the region and state in an effort to keep revenue in our area. The only people that will call to verify your business information is Mary Hamilton, Lisa Whittier and Kristi Olkowski.

While we don’t know the nature of their inquiry, we can only guess that it was a scam of some sort as they hung up when questioned about working with the Parker Area Chamber of Commerce.

Please do your due diligence when accepting cold calls from businesses that are not familiar. We strongly suggest that you get their name and number before committing to anything over the phone. We would, in fact, use a chamber member first, a local business or a regional business within the state.

Shopping local is key to our business development, economy and our community.

Questions can be directed to our office at 928 669-2174


  1. Hhhhhmmmmmm…happens every year when the snowbirds come to town…correlation???

  2. Audrey,

    You are quite mistaken about the correlation between a “phone scam” and our winter visitors. These “phone scams” happen all year long. The voice(s) on the other end of the phone are definitely not seniors and most of the time have a foreign accent. There is also quite a bit of other conversation going on in the background so I would say that the “scammers” are located in a call center.

    Our winter visitors are a very important part of our local economy. This demographic is changing rapidly. No longer do they come from October through April. They move around quite a bit. We need to be able to attract these visitors and keep their business in our area; not offend them with ignorant comments like yours.

    If you wish to further discuss this matter; contact my office.

    928 669-2174.

    Mary Hamilton
    Executive Director
    Parker Area Chamber of Commerce

  3. Mary, It seems as though my comment is not as “ignorant” as you claim. You stated earlier that these scams happen “all year long”, then you go on to say that out of town visitors are now coming all year long.. Parker is a vacation spot and relies on visitors and events to bring money into the local economy. Just because a call center is located out of the area doesn’t mean that it wasn’t targeted by someone in the area.
    I have been coming to the area over 40 years and sorry…there is always an uptick in weird stuff that happens when there are a lot of visitors…mainly because they do not have a vested interest in our little slice of heaven like we do.
    We are dumb…but not so dumb…..

  4. Audrey,

    In my response, I am referring solely to winter visitors. Therefore, my comment about this demographic (winter visitor) no longer coming October through April did not mean that winter visitors come all year long. (That is a totally different demographic.) It means that they don’t sit in the RV parks from October through April like they used to. They are younger, they have more money and better rigs. They are exploring Arizona and other areas. With these changes, we need to be able to retain our long-time visitors such as yourself and attract new visitors. I took offense to your comment blaming “snowbirds.”

    Yes, this entire county is tourism (visitor) driven and of course people visit all-year long; just not the same types of visitors. Maybe I didn’t state that clearly enough for you.

    I would challenge your comment on our winter visitors “not having a vested interest in our little slice of heaven like we do.” I will tell you that when our beloved snowbirds are here, we have more volunteers, more attendance at events and they do think of this area as their second home so they are vested in the community.

    I am very happy to welcome of all our visitors. Winter visitors, weekenders, second-homeowners and the frequent visitors that come to experience our wonderful area.

    I am glad you have chosen the Parker Area as your “second home” for over 40 years.

    Welcome back!

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