Where is Sandy Giles?

UPDATE, NOV 2017: A body matching that of Sandy Giles has been found. See the separate article on the discovery HERE.

UPDATE: It’s been over 2 months since Sandy went missing. There’s still no better information on what may have happened to her.

UPDATE: Any new updates can be found at the Help Find Sandy Giles Facebook page, which is being run by Cal Advocates for the Missing, a nonprofit organization working with private investigators on Sandy’s case. Visit the page at the link for more.

UPDATE: A search party of concerned locals is being organized for Saturday morning at 6am. If you’d like to help with an off-road vehicle, drone or on foot, meet at the first wash past the Earp Post Office at 6am on May 27th.

A 44 year old woman from Maplesville, Alabama who went missing in the Parker area almost two weeks ago has still not been found.

Sandy Giles had been on a cross-country road trip to California with her former sister-in-law “to see her brother in the hospital”, and had planned to drive back home over Mother’s Day weekend, according to her son Troy. She was last heard from while at a gas station in the tiny town of Essex, CA off I-40 west of Needles, where she had been adding fuel.

Her car – a 2013 Silver Dodge Avenger – was found abandoned in a wash (pictured) near Earp, CA, just across the river from the town of Parker, AZ. Several locals contacted Parker Live saying they had seen the vehicle but didn’t know who it belonged to. Sandy had no known ties to the Parker area, and has not been seen in the area otherwise.

Sandy (4th from left) surrounded by family

Helicopters have reportedly been used to search surrounding desert with no result. The car was towed away, still locked, and the family was allowed to open it Thursday after arriving in Parker to search.

“Her purse, all bags and suitcases, shoes, makeup bag, license, registration, birth certificate, cell phone, Bible, journal, inhalers, and any other little thing was still in the car,” according to a Facebook post by members of Sandy’s family.

Her phone held no clues either, with no recent calls or messages revealing any new information.

“No clue on txt, recent calls, facebook, snapchat, instagram or any other app on her phone. We are literally back to square one and have no concrete evidence of anyone seeing her or that she has even been here at all. Our hearts are breaking and we do not know where to go from here.”

One thing apparently left behind was one of Sandy’s flip-flops, found around 20 yards from the car close to a bush. It isn’t known why she pulled over. It’s possible she ran out of gas, but because the key is not in the car, the family were unable to easily check the level in the tank.

“We went to where her car was found as soon as we got here and we searched the area until we couldn’t take the heat any longer. We found her flip flop about 20 yards from the car close to a bush she may have been sitting under for shade and a few barefoot prints are the only evidence of her being there.”

Sandy used her Facebook page to report periodically while on her route from Alabama to California, with posts indicating her locations:

  • Monday, May 8th – Pulaski, Arkansas
  • Tuesday, May 9th at 9:21am – Vega, Texas
  • Tuesday, May 9th at 4:36pm – Continental Divide, New Mexico
  • Wednesday, May 10th, Bakersfield, California
  • Thursday, May 11th, Marysville, California

Marysville is north of Sacramento, around 10 hours’ drive north from Parker, AZ. According to Sandy’s daughter Kendal, she stayed a couple of days and then abruptly left in the middle of the night.

“She called my brother when she got to Essex, CA on May 13th and told him she was coming home and would be there by Monday, May 15th,” Kendal told Parker Live. “She said she would need him to send her money when she got closer to Texas and no one has heard from her since. The car was tagged by California Highway Patrol May 15th in [Earp]. We believe she was coming through Parker to get on 10 to take the lower route home and possibly stop in Gulf Shores because she’s lived there before, but no-one from Alabama has talked to her.”

When asked if she thought something went wrong in Marysville, Kendal said she thinks so, but she doesn’t know for sure.

“We talked to her [former sister-in-law] and they have been questioned by police and said they didn’t know of anything happening to make her leave but they were asleep when she left,” she said. “It is very odd, especially since we haven’t talked to her. The longest I’ve ever went without talking to her is a week but my brother talks to her almost everyday and we just don’t understand why she hasn’t called or tried to get help.”

On Facebook, the family sounded despondent.

“I would give anything in this world to be able to tell everyone that we found her safe and sound and are heading home but that is not the case at all. We do not even know where to go from this point.”

If anybody believes they may have seen Sandy, or has any information on where she may have gone, please contact San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.


  1. Crystal White

    Where is her former sister-in-law if she was traveling with her?

  2. Parker Live Updates

    I believe she stayed in Marysville.

  3. Linda Booher

    best wishes and prayers that you find her

  4. Kayla Amaro-Martinez

    Where is Linda Langley the lady she was traveling with to California to go see her brother at the hospital. Has she been questioned yet??

  5. It doesn’t look like an ideal place to get out of the car. Plus, it’s pretty far off the road if she ran out of gas. Is it possible she needed to get some rest and it might have been dark and the car got stuck?

  6. Rhonda- Yes, it’s also odd that she came that way into the Parker area.

  7. Very true John. So… she must have went across Parker Dam and was headed south bound?

  8. Beverly L Bonney

    Parker Live Updates, is it true that area where her car was found was bulldozed after being removed? If true, what is the reason?

  9. It’s possible she may have headed south on US-95 at Needles and then came east toward Parker at Vidal Junction. Not sure why, except if she was running low on gas again or needed something in town.

  10. Katrina Marie Woodward

    They are prepping the washes for monsoon season pushing the dirt again supposedly

  11. Parker Live Updates

    I’m not certain about that.

  12. I noticed the car on a trip to CA Tuesday morning May 16. Looked like it was “high-centered” or otherwise stuck but couldn’t be sure. No sign of anyone around as I drove by. Figured whoever it was had gotten a ride into town for help or possibly abandoned vehicle (seems like that happens from time to time along the river road). Was surprised to see the car still there when I returned to Parker Thursday May 18.

    Prayers to the family, heartbreaking.

  13. Parker Live Updates

    A search party of concerned locals is reportedly being organized for Saturday morning at 6am. If you’d like to help with an off-road vehicle, drone or on foot, meet at the first wash past the Earp Post Office at 6am on May 27th.

  14. Beverly L Bonney

    Good thing someone took pictures of the vehicle as it was located.

  15. I hope they find her soon and that she is still alive pray for the family

  16. Ea Baughman

    Nothing on her where abuts yet anything

  17. If she is known to enjoy gambling, check out the Blue Water Casino just north of Parker.

  18. Jodie Vescio

    The hubby & I passed this car last Thursday & sure thought it was odd where it was abandoned…
    Thoughts n prays they find her safe

  19. Deanne White

    I think there should be more research on why she left alone and quickly from the motel, maybe another person is involved

  20. Deanne White

    Or maybe I’ve been watching too many forensic files

  21. There has to be a reason why she left in the middle of the night someone knows something!
    Why didn’t the police find her flip flop?
    Why didn’t the police open her car?
    Why didn’t the police investigate a week ago when they were called?

  22. Nicole Venegas

    Whatever the reason is for the bulldozing… I’m not sure. But the woman had been missing for a week before a missing persons report had been filed. The car had already been tagged to be moved. There was no sort of crime scene or evidence protection set up because it wasn’t reported fast enough.

  23. Let’s all help this family this Saturday.
    We may be small town, but we have big hearts!

  24. Whittley Mccullough

    She is to my knowledge in California where Sandy was taking her.

  25. Whittley Mccullough

    she wasn’t in a motel to my knowledge, and they know why she left.

  26. Marsha Gore Lockhart

    I am wondering since the car was found and family has checked it out, has local police started any kind of CSI work to determine if a stranger had been in her car. Also, I wanted to mention several posts I’ve read had
    made comments about the area she had been in was 🙂 close to Mexico and how dangerous. Do the authorities plan to do something there. One more thing, unless her flip flop was broken I do not think she’d walk off without it. I know I wouldn’t.
    Prayers still going up. I’m so happy to hear about the search. May God Bless ad keep all of you out the hunting. And may God keep her family within his hands.

  27. I just looked at the picture of her car, it says that it is a pic of the car when it was first found correct? I realize that 5’7″ is an average height for some, but I see the drivers seat appears to be pushed all the way back. Did they determine that she could reasonably drive with the seat that far back? It’s difficult to tell from the photo but the drivers front beauty rim looks damaged. Also, was the dent in the drivers door prior to this photo being taken? If she were at a small town when last heard from maybe there are cameras with her on video and every other car traveling the same direction as her, I would be checking for every place with a camera along her route!

  28. I’m from Maplesville and know Sandy and the family. How and where the car was parked is the first thing that looked odd to me also…praying for her safe return…

  29. Dianne Gamboa

    Thank you Parker Online, for picking up this story. I have been following it from the post on Facebook, made by her children. Very familiar with the area, I spend my winters in the Parker area. Hopefully the search party comes up with some leads today, praying for her and her family. Please update on any info found.

  30. Jean Baker Cameron

    We went out this morning for 2 hours and found nothing. It’s sad, only 7 people showed up to help search

  31. Praying that she is found soon???? I don’t know Sandy or her family. I just saw the post where she was missing last Sunday, the 21st. I’m in South Carolina and wish I was able to come out there. She and her family have been on my mind since I saw the post. Can’t seem to think about anything else. Dear God, please help them find Sandy.

  32. Meghan Romanek

    Dianne Gamboa we found nothing. 8 people showed.

  33. Prayers are being lifted for Sandy’s return and closure for her children & family. I can’t imagine what they are going through. God please ease their hearts & minds. Please allow Sandy to be found.

  34. Dianne Gamboa

    Meghan Romanek oh wow, I was hoping more would have showed up. Guess cause it’s a holiday weekend. God bless you and the ones who did.

  35. Dianne Gamboa

    Meghan Romanek , wow I thought more volunteers would have shown up to search. Guess cause it’s a holiday weekend maybe? God bless you and the others that did.

  36. Someone knows something!!! Maybe I watch to many crime shoes too Deanne White BUT they said she left in the middle of the night and didn’t tell them, her car is found parked in an odd way, way off the road, her flip flops were found away from the car and not even together. She left ALL her belongings in the car including her purse, cell phone and inhailer. I can tell you as an asthmatic myself I DO NOT go anywhere without my inhailer. The gas station attendant says it was just someone that looked like her probably not her. I hope & pray to God she just walked away an will be found but something is telling me someone has this woman or has hurt her.

  37. If she got gas in Essex ( goffs red) she would not have ran out of gas by Parker AZ.

  38. That assumes she filled the tank. If she was running out of money as she told her son, she may not have been able to fill it.

  39. They should call this page parker speculation live

  40. First fillup was donated. 15.00 worth. She had called and was supposed to have money wired but that never happened
    Her pastor posted that the Holly Spirit gave him the name ( ggreybar). If any locals know any thing like that from where the car was located please post. Thank you

  41. One of these speculations just might be the right one.

  42. On her Facebook page in comments there is a comment posted may 8 that she was going to meet someone named Yanni Gogolak Yanez on her way back has anyone checked him out .

  43. Has she been found yet ?? i hope she returns safely home..

  44. Her leaving in the middle of the night indicates she was either on her way to meet someone or she left because she was angry or scared. No woman will put them self in a position to drive alone at night. As for her flip flop and items, if she went for help, I believe she would grab her purse and inhaler. A flip flop getting left behin unless broken indicates she was possibly running from something. No one just takes off a shoe and walks around with just one. Did anyone check to see if there was phone service in that area? If she say ran out of gas and stayed there to get help as hot as it was, maybe she sat there till someone came, that could be why there wasn’t that many foot prints, possibly had an astma attack from the heat? Did anyone check the local hospitals to see if she was brought in?

  45. Seems like the police department is not doing their job….the family are the ones that find the flip flop, obviously police didn’t bother searching the area…..and why hasn’t the police checked the gas tank level? Who knows if maybe an officer pulled her over and is covering his tracks….there’s a lot of shady cops in this world….I think the family needs to keep putting pressure on the police department because they are not taking her case serious! Prayers for her and her family.

  46. And why was she carrying her birth certificate in her car? That seems unusual.

  47. I’m kinda wondering if this is drug related cause on May the 8th she commented to a Yanni Gogolak Yanez about Linda has some 8balls and she would meet him on her way back with 8 balls . And that guy Luis Rafael Gonzalez said something on his profile about 8balls being thrown in desert were women are raped that guy just sounds all kinds of crazy like maybe he knows something. I hope and pray the police are looking into it and she is found soon. I’m not accusing any one of doing or using drugs just going by comments on her profile.

  48. Has Sandy Giles Been Found Yet?? Whats going On With her case we havent heard any new updates since the search on saturday.. Her and her family is still in our prayers we pray that she returns to her family safely. Has anyone checked hospitals and etc. To make sure she wasnt there??

  49. Tammy, I am guessing that they are talking about the mixed drink “8 ball”. I say that because (1) they mention something else about alcohol or a mixed drink; and (2) referencing drugs on facebook like that would seem a little over the top. It would be interesting to know more about the people she was going to stop to see though!

  50. Guys, according to the family, that individual has been inundated by people messaging him with accusations, but he’s actually a family friend for 30 years who hasn’t seen Sandy.

  51. Joe the plumber

    Where’s john Walsh?
    Why isn’t there more acurate news about this?

  52. I know sandy an her family… I don’t understand why more law is not looking….an the guy on help find sandy … I think he has something to do with her missing!!! He’s acting yo odd

  53. patricia shanks

    Ithink Sandy has been sadly abducted by some evil person.Ialso think the FBI and the state Police should be looking into this case alot more than they are.This woman has clearly vanished due to some bad person or persons making it happen and everything should be done Law enforcement to try and find her.Ithink she has been taken by duress I cannot see anyone going anywhere without their inhaler if they are suffering from COPD.

  54. If anyone, anywhere out there, knows anything about her disappearance, PLEASE contact the Help find Sandy Giles page on FB. Her family is distraught about this. Continue to pray. Sandy is a strong woman and I believe she will be found…I’m sure praying.

  55. There is a detective on her case but no FBI. Please keep sharing on Sandy Giles. Thanks so much, her Mother Delores.

  56. Mark Joseph Gehley

    Have the authorities checked cell phone records of family members to see if anyone drove that route to where the car was found?

  57. Does anyone know what time Sandy left the Essex gas station on I-40. It is about a 2 hour drive from the Essex gas stop to Earp via Needles then south on CA 95 then left on Hwy 62 to Earp. I was wondering if it was dark when she drove off the road and possibly stranded her car and as everyone is asking, did the car actually run out of gas? Has anyone posted a reward yet? Also, have the police or private detective questioned the owners of the junk yard very close to where her car was found? I live in this area off of CA Hwy 95 and know this whole area well. This Hwy 62 is a dark stretch of road at night but has its share of car, motor home and tractor trailer traffic. It is a very logical route going north/south particularly if you want to go south to I-10 to Phoenix and Tucson to El Paso.

  58. I’m so sorry about Sandy being missing. Praying she will be found. My son Justin Day who lives in Earp has been missing since July 16. The detectives are doing very little because they say it’s a missing person and no foul play has been found. We still haven’t found his black pick up truck. Did you hire a private investigator that lives near you?

  59. I Would Like To Know And Im Sure Alot Of Other People Would Like To Know As Well Is Why Was There More Of An Effort By All Law Enforcemeng Agencies Even Fbi And The Newspaper About Cynthia Williams Murder But A Missing Women A Mother,Wife,Grandmother and A Daughter Goes Missing With Out Any Trace Come On Why Haven’t Anyone Of The Offices I Named above Done More To Find Her?? It Seems To Me That Everyone Is Just Sweeping It Under The Rug Because Shes Not From Parker Az . So Is That How It Goes If Your Not From Parker Or A Tribal Member Then No One Gives A Crap And Forgets About You?? Or Who Your Related To Here In Town Then You Either Get Away With Murder Or If You Mess With The Wrong County or Governments Official Family Member Then You Get The Book Thrown At You And Get The Max Even If It Was An Accident Or What Ever Tje Case Maybe… I Pray She Is Found Safely But After All This Time No Thanks TO COUNTY OR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS HERE WHO SEEM TO NOT GIVE A CRAP TRYING HARDER TO FIND HER.. Its Usually Not A Good Out Come So If She Isnt Found Soon And Alive I Hope It Weighs Heavenly On Everyones Thoughts and shoulders each and every single day and night when they lay there heads down knowing they didnt put there all into it to help find her and it could have been them
    Or someone they loved and no one didnt care enough to help find her thats the problem with the world today there are very few cops attorneys town council and more who actually care about people and actually love to there jobs anymore they only care about the money and power and thats it!!

  60. It now appears that Sandy Giles ran out of gas a 2nd time just outside Earp, CA. The 1st time she ran out gas she was close to the Essex gas station on I-40. She filled up a gas container at that gas station and was given a ride back to her car. She was then met by a Highway patrolman on I-40 and a tow truck. The Highway patrolman either watched or assisted her in filling her gas tank with the gas container. Once Sandy finished filling her tank, she would have thrown the gas container in the trunk of her car. According to the Highway patrolman he offered to follow her to CA 95 South, which we presumed he did. As Sandy tried to reach her next destination she ran out of gas again, just outside of Earp.
    It would seem logical that Sandy is now panicked but knows she needs to again go for gas quickly as it is getting dark. So, she jumps out of her car with her car keys, opens the trunk and grabs the gas container but may be confused as to the best direction to get gas considering where her car came to a stop.
    They have found, according to the story, both flip flops. I doubt she walked any distance without her shoes/flip flops. Have the investigors found the car keys or the gas container she more than likely had in her hands?

  61. Chris- Thanks. Sources for that info?

  62. Young lady was found deceased at a campground in Needles 2 or so years ago.
    Lindsey Roman. Has that ever been solved? Seems to be a scary desolate area…

  63. exactly where was her car found? I see the search party meet up was at “first wash past the Earp post office”.. in which direction? and what side of the road was her car on? Her car was found on highway 62?
    i have read her car was found “near” 62.. so if that is correct was her car on Parker Dam road?

  64. vehicle was found on highway 62 south of the post office on the same side of the road at the 1st turnout.

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