Supervisors not laughing at Goatman intervention

“You can’t make this stuff up.”

So said District 2 Supervisor Duce Minor in a special meeting of the La Paz County Board of Supervisors this past week, addressing an agenda item which came after an online posting by someone purporting to be the legendary ‘Goatman’.

Item 2 on Wednesday’s agenda asked the Board to vote to send a ‘cease and desist’ letter to GoFundMe regarding the use of the County’s official seal. GoFundMe is a fundraising website on which anyone can start a fundraising campaign; in this case the posting was named ‘Save La Paz County’ and its goal was $10 million.

Under a picture of the seal of La Paz County, a brief, rambling synopsis identified “financial mistakes” and the “absence of accountability” as causes for the County’s recent fiscal issues and said, “We call upon the generousity of the world and seek audience with the hearts of its inhabitants” in order to save it.

The source of the post, which was shared multiple times on social media, was Niichaad Bilagaana, a fictitious person who emerged on Facebook almost 7 years ago identifying himself as the legendary ‘Goatman’, an apocryphal half-man, half-goat which has been part of modern folklore in the Parker area for at least 6 decades.

Niichaad Bilagaana was mentioned briefly in the 2010 short documentary ‘Goatman: Search for the Legend‘, which put the old stories on the record and contained filmed interviews with many locals about their experiences and memories of the mythical creature. The Facebook account claiming Bilagaana to be the Goatman had emerged during the film’s production, and is still sporadically active almost 7 years later, with occasional posts about topics like the desert heat, the presidential election and scaring people.

Supervisor DL Wilson started by saying, “I’m trying to maintain my sense of humor about this,” adding that the fundraiser was started by a fictitious person, and acknowledging the link to the “legend of the Goatman”, which prompted loud laughter from those assembled in the boardroom. Nevertheless, Wilson said there is no beneficiary connected to the County for any funds raised, and that the use of the official seal of the County is illegal, with the statute saying that the Board of Supervisors “shall issue” a ‘cease and desist’ letter anytime the seal is used without such authorization.

After saying he proposes a motion asking the County Attorney to send the letter demanding removal of the County seal, Supervisor Minor interjected, saying, “Or send us $10 million,” which got another laugh. Civil Deputy County Attorney Glenn Buckelew also spoke up to ask, “Do you have any idea where we would send the letter?” Wilson responded that they had identified a “legal filings” address at GoFundMe where it needed to be sent.

The motion carried.

At this time of writing, the GoFundMe posting no longer contains the County’s seal, but rather a photograph of a seal from the ocean holding up a sign reading, ‘Help!’ and the words ‘La Paz County’ on its hind end.


  1. Fabian Castro

    Niichaad Bilagaana
    You’re famous !!

  2. wedostupidright


  3. Jim Wooddell

    Deflection? Serious, who is idiot enough to use Gofundme. They take about 9% whatever you raise. That is nuts. Don’t use it.

  4. Niichaad Bilagaana

    bAhAhAhA! tHe couNTy’S siTuaTioN iS nO laUGhinG maTTer, bUt soMethInG mUst bE doNe tO cuT thrOUgh tHe mindLeSS bLame-fiLLed chaTTer. ***LOOk tO thE fuTuRe, noT tHe pASt***

  5. SEAL? I thought that was Heidi Klum’s Ex…

  6. OMG!! Goatman!!! We loved that movie

    Ok, I have to say, hats off to the supervisors for doing what the statute says but not taking it too seriously, this is a moment of humor that we all greatly need right now. Thank you Nichad and the supervisors omg

  7. It’s a b-a-a-a-ad situation

  8. Nathaniel Cooper

    Seems like a better plan to get people’s jobs back. #makeparkergreatagain

  9. Fabian Castro

    Even if ir worked and we got 100k raised , minus the 9℅’s still more than what we had as a county before which is……

  10. Jim Wooddell

    Paypal is about 3%, or people that wanted to donate to a government could just go down there and donate and there would not be any fee. 9% of 100k is a lot of money, Fabian.

  11. Traded one seal for another. Genius. Keep up the good work. If that was a La Paz county seal it would have been slaughtered with a nail filled bat!

  12. Janice Atzinger

    Perfect! Either get people to donate towards being able to rehire employees…since it wasn’t their fault La Paz County F’d up.
    Or even easier…let’s beg Yuma County to take us back as part of Yuma County. I don’t remember hearing that Yuma County was broke and then laying off employees….
    Maybe people rushed into starting La Paz County? Doesn’t appear people running it know what they are doing now…or in the past!

  13. Fonzi Wayne

    Instead of complaining and calling people names Jim, help don’t always be negative .
    I agree, if we all raised 100k it’s 100k more than what we would’ve had if this man didn’t open the GoFundMe.

  14. I dont want to take anything back from anybody. Or hurt anybody in any way. Sealy me

  15. Forget the Go Fund Me I need to know more about this Goatman please. I went camping out there I could have been killed.

  16. niichaad billagaana Means “don’t cry whiteman” in Navajo.

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